We’re accelerating the creation of high-quality analytics, clinical research, and A.I.

We’re accelerating the creation of high-quality healthcare research and analytics


Aaron Neiderhiser
CEO and Co-Founder

Aaron has spent his career focused on healthcare data science and data strategy. Prior to starting Tuva he served as Senior Vice President of Technology for Health Catalyst. At Health Catalyst he was responsible for Touchstone – a data warehouse with medical records and claims data on more than 150M patients…

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Coco (Jorge) Zuloaga
CTO and Co-Founder

Coco has spent his career focused on healthcare data science. Prior to starting Tuva, he served as Head of Data Science for Strive Health where he oversaw all machine learning for the company. He has developed deep healthcare domain knowledge by working with a wide range of healthcare data sources to power…

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Our Inspiration:

Richard Feynman

Richard Feynman was one of the most important scientists of the 20th century, working on the Manhattan Project and receiving the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on quantum mechanics. His goal of reaching the former Soviet Union country of Tuva before his death (chronicled in the book Tuva or Bust) is an allegory for Feynman’s life and values.

Core Values


Be intellectually honest

Prioritize honesty in all situations, even when it's difficult.

Seek the truth

Embrace openness, feedback, and continual learning.

Be endlessly curious

We value exploration, questioning, and a hunger for knowledge.

Have fun

Through shared laughter, we build stronger connections and inspire innovation.

Core Values


Be intellectually honest

Prioritize honesty in all situations, even when it's difficult.

Seek the truth

Embrace openness, feedback, and continual learning.

Be endlessly curious

We value exploration, questioning, and a hunger for knowledge.

Have fun

Through shared laughter, we build stronger connections and inspire innovation.


July 8, 2024

Building a Claims Data Platform

The last few years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of organizations delivering and enabling value-based care. This in turn has led to an increase in the availability of healthcare claims data, as claims data is often shared across organizations participating in value-based contracts. As a result, more organizations are looking for smart ways to manage their claims data.
May 15, 2024

Herself Health Uses Tuva Analytics to Enhance Clinical Operations and Cut Costs 10x

Herself Health is a value-based care organization, providing advanced primary care services to 65+ year-old women across the U.S. By leveraging Tuva, Herself was able to quickly build and operate their healthcare data platform with improved care and cost savings.

We're always open to hire talented and passionate people

Generate advanced analytics in minutes, not days or weeks

See why leading healthcare organizations are using Tuva to transform their data.